Welcome to Happygram!
A site for you to gain happiness

What's this website for?
Anxiety and depression are prevalent issues in US
and the whole society, especially for teens. This website was mainly built up for improving US teens' mental health and gaining happiness. There are several features in this website to help teens know more about mental health disorders and ways to boost happiness. Check them them out below or click the buttons on the top to see more features.
Why is happiness important?
Good health
Lots of illnesses are caused by anxiety and depression. These negative emotions can make people feel stressful, and effect their life when severe. For example, people may be suffering from insomnia, headache, distractibility
and so on, which lead to unhealthy life. With happiness, we think more positively and see hopes in life, living healthier both mentally and physically.
Good relationship
Happy people usually bring happiness to people around them, too. Their positive attitude makes people like to stay with him or her, creating happy atmosphere and memories together. They are usually more creative, and have fun personalities that attract others.
Good acheivement
Happiness makes people think more on the bright side rather than the dark side. Instead of worrying about the future or things that don't exist, happy people focus at the present, and being actively to their work. In addition, their positive attitude not only makes them more passionate and energetic, it enables them to deal with stress more easily and overcome obstacles, which leads to their great working results.